Show Me Your Space!


This is your chance to get my eyes on your space.


Hi! I'm Maggie and you can think of me as your virtual doctor for your space! I've spent years inside my clients' closets, kitchens, storage rooms, garages, basements, offices, etc... diagnosing the issue, helping them clear the clutter, and get organized. 

And just like any good doctor, the more patients you see... the quicker you can spot what's not working.

In fact, I've narrowed it down to 4 main roadblocks that can prevent you from making progress on your decluttering journey. But the good news is, the sooner you know what to treat, the sooner you can see the transformation! 


Here's how it works: 

  • Step 1 : Questionnaire :  Once you complete the purchase you'll immediately receive an email with a form to answer a few questions and upload some photos / videos. This is your chance to Show Me Your Space!

  • Step 2 : Space Review: After submitting the form you will receive a recording of my custom feedback within 3 business days.

    In this recording I will talk through what I am seeing in your space in regards to what is and isn't working. I will also offer tips and advice to help you clear the clutter and get organized for your personal space.

  • Step 3 :  Action: Take my feedback and tips and start to apply it so you can feel good in your space again! 

I'm Ready!


What people are saying...

“You were exactly what I needed to start this process!"

“I find myself saying, What would Maggie do?" 

"I virtually walked Maggie thru the spaces and she immediately saw a vision."